தலையில்லாத கிருஷ்ணன்
வன்முறை தாக்குதல்கள் தற்காலிகமாக நின்று போனாலும் கூட இந்துக்கள் மீதான பிறவித தாக்குதல்கள் தொடர்ந்த படியே இருந்தன. அவ்வப்போது ஒதுக்குப்புறமான கிராமங்களில் வன்முறை தாக்குதல்களும் தொடர்ந்தன. கொல்லங்கோடு குமரி மாவட்டத்தின் மேற்கில் இருக்கும் ஒரு சிற்றூர். அந்த இடம் அடுத்த கலவரத்துக்காக தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்டது. அங்கும் கடலோரத்தில் அம்மன் கோவில் அமைந்திருந்தது. அங்குள்ள ஜீஸஸ் ஆர்ட்ஸ் எனும் நிறுவனம் தீவிர பிரச்சாரத்தில் இறங்கியது. ஊரைச் சுற்றியிருக்கும் இந்துக்களுக்கு வாழ்த்து அனுப்புவது இந்த நிறுவனத்தின் வழக்கம். இந்து தெய்வங்களின் படங்களே அனுப்பப்படும். ஆனால் என்ன அதில் தெய்வத்தின் தலை மட்டும் வெட்டப்பட்டு ஒரு விவிலிய வசனமும் சேர்த்து எழுதப்பட்டிருக்கும். குறிப்பாக உள்ளூர் கோவில் பூசாரிகளுக்கு இந்த படங்கள் அனுப்பப்படும். மனது புண்படும் இந்துக்களுக்கு பேசத்தான் ஏதும் நாதி கிடையாதே. அவமானத்தை சகித்துக்கொண்டு வாழ்ந்து வந்தார்கள். நாராயணசாமி கோவில் பூசாரி மாதவன் பணிக்கருக்கு இதே போல தலைவெட்டப்பட்ட ஒரு கிருஷ்ணன் படத்தை அனுப்பியது ஜீஸஸ் ஆர்ட்ஸ். மலையாளத்தில் 'புருஷோத்தமனின் தலை இயேசு கிறிஸ்து' (கொரிந்தியர் 11:3) என்று எழுதியிருக்கிறார், உண்மையில் அந்த வசனம்: ஒவ்வொரு புருஷனுக்கு கிறிஸ்து தலையாயிருக்கிறார் என்று வரும். சாதாரண இந்துக்களிடம் அவர்களுடைய வேதங்களை குறித்த அறிவின்மையை பயன்படுத்திக்கொண்டும் தங்கள் மறைநூலை பிரச்சாரத்துக்கு தகுந்தபடி பேசிக்கொண்டும் நடக்கும் கிறிஸ்தவ பிரச்சாரத்தின் ஒரு வெளிப்பாடு இது. இந்த வாழ்த்து அட்டையின் மறுபுறம் "ஏசுவால் அன்றி வேறொருவராலும் இரட்ச்சிப்பு இல்லை" என எழுதப்பட்டிருந்தது. சுருக்கமாக கொல்லங்கோட்டில் வெறுப்பியல் பிரச்சாரம் களைகட்டியது. விரைவில் நடக்கப்போகும் வெறியாட்டத்துக்கு அது கட்டியம் கூறியது.

கிருஷ்ணன் கோவில் பூசாரிக்கு வாழ்த்து அட்டை: ஜீஸஸ் ஆர்ட்ஸின் மத நல்லிணக்க முயற்சி
letter of Sardar Patel's of September 11, 1948, addressed to the RSS chief Golwalkar himself: ...
Aurangzeb Road
New Delhi
Date: 11th Sept. 1948
Brother Sri Golwalkar,
You are very well aware of my views about the RSS. ... There can be no doubt that the RSS did service to the Hindu society. In the areas where there was need for help and organisation, the young men of the RSS protected women and children and strove much for their sake. No person of understanding could have a word of objection regarding that. But the objectionable part arose when they, burning with revenge, began attacking Mussalmans. Organising the Hindus and helping them is one thing but going in for revenge for its sufferings on innocent and helpless men, women and children is quite another thing.
All their speeches were full of communal poison. It was not necessary to spread poison in order to enthus the Hindus and organise for their protection. As a final result of the poison, the country had to suffer the sacrifice of the invaluable life of Gandhiji. Even an iota of the sympathy of the Government or of the people no more remained for the RSS. In fact opposition grew. Opposition turned more severe when the RSS men expressed joy and distributed sweets after Gandhiji's death. Under these circumstances it becamed inevitable for the Government to take action against the RSS.
(Sd.) Vallabh Bhai Patel
Please allow me to refer to Sri
K R Athiyaman's comments on your artilce and state my view.
Reproducing Sardar Patel's letter to Guruji is fine but publicising the letter makes no sense in the absence of Guruji's reply to it.
Whether Guruji's humble reply to the Dy PM Vallabhaiji's letter is revealed or not, let me try to throw some light on the situation (my father was also a Gandhian and lived in Gandhji's Warda Ashram (Andhra-Maharashtra border) for sometime and our family was in the North at the time of partition as well as subsequent assassination of Gandhiji, FATHER OF PAKISTAN - lUCKILY, MOHMEDDANS HAVE TWO FATHERS OF NATION; ONE IS JINNAH AND THE OTHER IS GANDHIJI!)
During this period, Sardar Patel had already been quarantined by the corridors of power, severed from direct contact with the masses. Ofcourse, Guruji did NOT justify the assassination of Gadhiji and also denied the doctrine of avenging Mohmeddans but the spontaneous reaction to these two factors from Hindus, especially in the North that suffered most because of communal rifts was -
Feeling of relief at the forcible elimination of Gandhji from the scene since Gandhiji's autocratic behaviour was clearly biassed in favour of Mohmeddans. Mohmeddans demanded and got Pakistan arguing that they would NOT stay under a Hindu majority state but when their demand was met, they continued to stay in the Hindu majority state of Hindustan at the behest of Gandhiji and Nehru who told them that they need NOT leave Hindustan. Even Dr Ambedkar warned that allowing Mohmeddans to continue to stay in Hidustan would make Hindu-Mohmeddan rift a permanent headache for the nation.
I have never been in RSS and technically speaking, I am NOT a Rashtiriya Swayam Sevak. I have never attended a Shakha. For that matter, I do NOT belong to any organisation or institution though I associate with every organisation or institution whenever there is need to go along with them for the cause of Hindutva. I know for sure RSS never indulges in avenging Mohmeddans or Christians but infuses confidence and courage among Hindus to stand united and face the challenges. The result is a spontaneous retaliation from Hindus whenever they are attacked. RSS has made Hindus realise that Mohmeddans or Christians would NOT understand the feelings of Hindus unless they are paid in the same coin. Hindus had to retaliate NOT avenge whenever occasion warrants to do so. This is what Vallabhaiji did NOT understand and blamed RSS as inducing Hindus to avenge. Distribution of sweets by RSS on the news of Gandhji's death was a smear campaign delibetrately let loose by the opponents of RSS. YES, sweets were distributed spontaneously in many quarters on hearing the news of Gandhji's death wherever Hindus had suffered the burnt of partition (especially in refugee camps set up for Hindus driven out from regions that became part of Pakistan.
Even now, the media is averse to highlight Hindu point of view in order to pose secular and unbiassed and therefore rejoinders from RSS for this accusation did NOT find due place in the media of the day. Vallabhai Patel had to go by media and intelligence reports as he had lost mass contact, having occupied the seat of power. Years of close association with Gandhiji and admiration for him had also blinded emotion charged senses of Patel, preventing him from thinking whether an organisation like RSS would indulge in such indecent activities.
RSS and Hindutva organisations do NOT need any advocate but as a person with some direct knowledge of those times, I wsih to put these factors on record.
Gandhi and Nehru bashing (without
proper facts or data) has become
the norms for many ignorant people.
Gandhiji tried his best to prevent
partition. He was never partial to
muslims or any other groups. he tried his best to make peace and
prevent violence and revenge.
He preached ahimsa and love.
Patel is no fool and no one could
prevent him from reaching the masses or from what he wanted to do. That is why he was Sardar. And his letter speaks for the fact..
I have lived for many years in Coimbatore. Before 1980, there was
no communal violence and no one had
heard of Ram temple. Now after all
this mindless violence by fanatics
from both the sides, people are
weary and tired. there will be no
more such incidents in future.
Sangh Parivar people are emotional
and mis-guided idealists and there
is an equally manical group in the
muslims and they make hell for
ordinary people.
the economic recession post 97 has
made people see sense.
and there is never any communal violence in Trichy, Tanjore or
Vaniyambadi belts where there is
a sizeble muslim poplulation.
This is because there are no sponsors and rich patrons of
communlism there, unlike the
rich coimbatore dt..
//Trichy, Tanjore or
Vaniyambadi belts where there is
a sizeble muslim poplulation.
This is because there are no sponsors and rich patrons of
communlism there, unlike the
rich coimbatore dt..//
This is simply not true. In Tanjore where i worked for sometime i have seen a lot of attacks on Hindu temples - usually village temples and mostly minority Hindus in a particular village will go calm suffering humiliation as there are none to ask or speak for them. Village temples form a good target for anti-Hindu groups because they often go unnoticed in major press. They have the needed psychological effects on the local Hindu population.
People who are NOT aware of the events of the days before and after August 15, 1947 and have no knowledge about the recent history of Hindustan should be careful before making sweeping statements. Congress is equally responsible for the partition of Hindustan and Gandhiji, who had invented a powerful weapon of fast unto death did NOT use it to avert partition even though he was saying that the Partion would be possible only on his dead body. It may be noted that he was using his weapon of fast unto death even for isssues of less importance than the question of partition. Nehru was tired of fighting for independence and restless to occupy the seat of power permanently though he was already holding it as the interium PM. History spins NOT according to one's wishes and it cannot be twisted. One needs to study and analyse the days of Hindustan's 1000 years of history carefully and learn from our lapses so that the wrongs are NOT NOT repeated.
Hindus's inborn tolerance has made them immune to self respect and self esteem. That is why you find this kind of comments.
Aravindan has the responsibilty of repeating all these facts again and again to make Hindus intelligent enough to react suitably to circumstances.
//Hindus's inborn tolerance has made them immune to self respect and self esteem. That is why you find this kind of comments.//
This should read as...
"Hindus' in born tolerance has made them immune to the onslaught on their lot, resulting in the loss of self respect and self esteem."
Writng in haste made some of the words missing in the sentence.
Rajaji was a far sighted leader and
he could foresee the inevitablity of partition in 1942 itself. He left Congress on this issue. The reasons and dynamics of partition are too complex and it started in 1920s. and Gandhiji could not control or prevent partition. but for him things would have been worser.
And as far as i know there are no
"Hindus' in my native village ;
only gounders, pallars and mudlaiyars. the wordd hindu is alien and everyone identifies himself with his caste.
and about the tolerance of "Hindus"
; tell it to the hundreds of Jains
who were buthcered in the 10 centutry. Jainism and Buddhism were
wiped out from TN.
and what about the tolerance of the
OBCs towrards to the Daliths. caste oppression is worst form of
human right violation. only those who have lived and experienced this will be able to understand this. Swami Vivekananda refused to
preach in Malabar after witnessing the inhuman conditions of daliths there..
so much for our 'tolerance'..
Half baked knowledge is dangerous than ignorance, as it turns you a laughing stock in the knowledgeable circles.
1. Rajai did NOT leave the Congress on Pakistan issue. He had difference of opinion about the Quit India movement because he felt it would be unfair to add trouble to the British when they were neck deep in the World War. Pakistan was NOT a focal point for Congress at that time. Rajai said that if your dhoti is torn in the middle, it is better you tear it off into two and use both as towels. This itself was a great support for the demand of Pakistan at that time.
2. Jainism lost its ground because there was NO element of Bhakti, which is the easiest form to inculcate spiritual mindset that results in self confidence, faith and courage. Jainism was defeated on the floors of debate and sidelined. The present cordial relationship beween Hindus and Jains would NOT exist had there been any violent attack on them by Hindus. There are many new lights being thrown on our past and all manipulated theories of the Western biassed mind are disproved.
3. There may be various castes among Hindus but the under current of culture, faith, religious thinking and worship, as well as the philosophical bent of mind are one and the same.
4. The term Hindu is very much native and it is NOT NOT alien. In Samscrutam, Sindu means waterbody and the pronunciation of S becomes H when uttered by the people. Sapta becomes Hafta and Sindu vbecomes Hindu. There is reference of sapta sindu and you will know from this that the term Sindhu is NOT the proper noun given to the river sindhu only.
5. Hindus are known for their intolerance among themselves but when it comes to the faiths of others, they become extremely tolerant and accept them as cohabitants even though it has been detrimental to their interests. Attrocities on Dalits is a social problem and such inhuman behaviour some quarters aganist another quarter is witnessed in all cvilisations and ythis is NOT exclusive to Hindu society. There has been constant efforts by many well meaning people to erradicate this evil. The Hindu law has seen many drastic reforms over the last century and this is another proof for the tolerance of Hindus. Instead of making allegations against each other and quarrelling, Hindus can survive regaining their lost glory by fostering unity, forgetting small differences of opinion among themselves.
I was wrong on the correct reasons
for Rajaji's exit from Congress in
1942 due to quit India movement. But to say that his arguments helped in creation of Pak is a insult to him. He was a far sighted
visonary and highly pragmatic and
realistic. What about the reaction to the Hindu Mahasaba's ideas from
Muslims and low caste hindus ? blaming Gandhiji or Congress for the partition is overy simplifying the issue (a typical RSS idea) while the fundamentalist attitude of Hindu Mahasaba had alientated most Muslims and made them feel unsecure in a independent India. I am not saying that this perception was correct, but that was the reality and no use blaming anyone else alone for this partition.
And as a democrat, i think any group can organise themselves democratically and ask for a separate homeland. National identities and borders are man-made and basic human rights matter more than anything else. For e.g :
Chechenya was ruthlessly suppressed by the Russians. many many such examples. It is highly
unethical and violates basic human
rights. Democracy and universal fundamental rights is paramount. but i don't support armed struggle
but Gandhian methods within the framework of democracy...
and do you mean to say that there was no official persecution of Jains and Buddhists in TN by Saiva and Vaishnava Kings ? how did their great monastries and places of learning decay ?
Both Buddhisim and Jainism were the
reaction to the dominance by the
priestly caste and against rigid
rituals without any real bhakthi.
and i think Brahmins, who consumed
meat and drink until then, turned
veggies and avoided somabana inspired by Mahaveer. there are ample references in Vedas about
yagnas and sacrifices..
and it is easy for your to say that
untouchabilty and caste opression are social problems ; from the view point of the hapless victims,
all talk about bhakthi and philososphy is meaningless while the oppression continues..
never try to rationalise such evils just because they are not unique to India.
I have nothing to add but to repeat, HALF-BAKED KNOWLEDGE IS DANGEROUS THAN IGNORANCE. In fact, SOMETIMES,ignorance is bliss!
My humble suggestion is please read, read, and read from all avilable sources to gain maximum knowledge and listen, listen, listen from different quarters to know all available details on a topic and also, DON'T FORGET to assess and conclude applying your own faculties. So many myths have crept into our history books intentionally and we need to identify them. Our sociology books have also suffered likewise.
For instance,
Veer Savarkarji is portrayed as anti-Mohmeddan, but if you read his work on 1857, you will know he has paid rich tributes to many Mohmeddans. He saw in 1857 struggle a very good opportunity for shaping a permanent Hindu-Mohmeddan unity and it was lost because of the failure of the uprising. And Sawarkarji is the ideologue of Hindu Maha Sabha!
In the initial days, Congress and Hindu Maha Sabha worked together. There were and are many backward community people in Hindu Maha Sabha and the party does NOT devide Hindu society on the basis of castes. As for Tamil Nadu, it is the Dravidian movement that keeps caste devide alive. You will be surprised to konw that Arya Samaj and Hindu Maha Sabha were very powerful in Tamil Nadu in thirties and especially in Chennai Perambur area, Hindu Maha Sabha and Arya Sabha had many members and supporters. And most of them are the so called BCs and OBCs. One Sri Munuswamy, who is in his eighties and still alive, was a leading figure of Arya Samaj and Hindu Maha Sabha in those days. He belongs to a caste that is notified as OBC. Sri Munuswamy was also praised by Guruji for his tireless work in safeguarding the interests of Hindus. There are many unsung heros like Munuswamy who had contributed much to the society without expecting any return,reward or recognition. Do you know G D Naidu was also a member of Hindu Maha Sabha?
Do you know the first president of Tamiz Nadu state Jana Sangh the so called political wing of RSS? A christian by name John!
I don't find pleasure in arguing or participating in debates. It only widens the gulf between individuals with difference of opinion. The debates create some sort of prestige issue among debating folks and even though they are convinced inwardly on others' views, they don't change their opinion fearing acceptance of defeat damaging their ego.
My only request is please read the writing on the wll, grasp its meaning and contribute your might in keeping an ancient civilisation alive not because it is ours but because it is a great one, rare one, appreciated and admired by all civilistations on the earth. This is the only civilisation that is more inclined on spiritual ethics, and our motherland happens to be its birth place. We have NOT asked for this land to be our motherland. It is our fortune that we are born here, also into this civilisation. This civilisation has been alive from time immemorial withstanding many assaults, and it is but natural for its gathering filth and dirt over a period.
This civilisation is slowly vanishing due to various reasons. Proselytisation is one such reason. Treason, anti national activities and elimination of native cultural setup are taking place all over in the name of religious faith.
Let us remove all unwanted and undesirable elements both internal and external and work as one man, one person in this task. Evil is an evil, wherever it has its existence and no sensible person will try to justify the presence of an evil. We should only console ourselves that disparities is evident all over the world in different forms and efforts should be made to remove them. If you know about the conditions of African natives in many African countries taken over and administered by Arabs depite mohmeddanisation of the entire population , your blood will begin to boil on seeing the utter disregard to the human values. In many African states run by Arabs, the native sons of the soil, though embraced mohmeddanism, are NOT given citizenship status' that means those who are the real sons of the soil do not have the rights of bonofide citizens! Supression and attrocities against weaker sections have been a universal phenomenon, to be agressively addressed by all of us.
There is no rift among Hindus and Jains, Buddhists or Sikhs today. But you cannot say this when it comes to Christians and Mohmeddans. The reason is, these two are alien to our mindset, because they declare salvation is only by accepting their faith. That is why Hindus need to take a serious view about the activities of these two sections. We should know that a race is going on between Mohmeddan and Christian lobbies as to who would take over the lead in running our country by increasing the strength of vote bank on the basis of their religion respectively. Conversion is rampant all over Hindustan by these two religious sections.
Many are boasting India will be a super power by 2020 but the question is whther it is going to be a Mohmeddan India or Christian India. It is enough if these two section become a sizeable minority and with their vote bank supremacy they can easily take over the reins. Just imagine, Indian Muslim League is the party that worked for the division of our nation and it still owns its legacy. Now Ahmed, a memeber of Union Muslim League is a cabinet minister in the government headed by the Congress!
In Andhra, the Muslimeen is a party of Razakars of Nizam who wanted Hyderabad to become part of Pakistan. The Razakars were nothing but gundas engaged in attrocities on Hindus. This Muslimeen is a coalition partner of the Congress today!
Understand the situation for heaven's sake and unite! We are running short of time.
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